FILE CODE: 6145.1/6145.2
The Board of Education has placed the administrative authority for the conductof the interscholastic and intramural athletic programs under the jurisdictionof the Superintendent.
The Superintendent has delegated to the principals the executive authority inall matters pertaining to interscholastic and intramural athletics.
- Interscholastic Athletics:
- Written Rules and Regulations:
- Each head coach and advisor will be certain their respective sport and activity has written rules and regulations.
- A written copy of the rules and regulations will be submitted to the principal and Superintendent and Board of Education prior to the opening of that sport or activity for approval.
- A written copy of the approved rules and regulations will be given each student at the beginning of each season.
- These rules and regulations represent a minimum of restrictions. The successful application of these rules will depend on the cooperation of players, coaches and administrators to foster and spread true sportsmanship.
- Eligibility:
- The principal, or his/her designee, head coach and advisor will be responsible for the eligibility of all athletes as set by Board policy.
- By October 1 of each school year, the head coaches of all sports must declare, in written form, that they will abide by NJSIAA's rules and regulations. Wrestling weight certification forms are to be filed with NJSIAA prior to the first match.
- All student athletes shall abide by the rules and regulations set by the constitution, bylaws, and rules and regulations of the NJSIAA.
- Local eligibility requirements are as follows:
- Good citizenship in school.
- It will be the responsibility of every coach to encourage students to achieve in scholastic studies.
- Coaches will make periodic checks, at least every two weeks, on the student's academic and social achievements in class.
- If a student fails any subject, the coach must note that this student is on academic probation for five weeks.
It will end five weeks afterward with the understanding from all subject teachers that the student is passing in all subjects at that time. This will be obtained in writing from each subject teacher. - Such students, who at the end of five weeks have not received a passing grade for each subject, cannot practice or compete.
- Each varsity coach or adviser is responsible for checking the eligibility of his/her students for each level or activity.
- A list of failing students must be submitted to the athletic director and high school principal no later than three days after report cards are issued.
- Students must observe all training rules. The use of alcohol or drugs means immediate dismissal from the squad.
- A student will be eligible to participate in only one interscholastic sport during any given sports season.
- Any student suspended from school will not be permitted to participate until he/she is reinstated in class and has been granted approval per Board policy.
- Any student who is dropped from a squad for disciplinary reasons, or who quits a squad without the coach's or adviser's permission, will not be allowed to compete with any other school-sponsored teams during that sports season.
- At no time should any adviser attempt to influence a student to join his/her sport or activity when the student's interest is in another sport. The student should make his/her own choice or decision.
- Any controversy will be referred to the principal for a decision.
- Deadlines for Participation:
- No student will be permitted to participate in a sport if he/she fails to report to the team coach as a candidate within 14 calendar days after the official opening of that sport. The NJSIAA dates will serve as opening dates.
- Students who because of illness or injury could not report on the opening date shall have an extension to report for the teams. A student who has been ill and has a medical excuse for his/her illness should be given two weeks to make the team. After this date, he/she will be notified by the coach whether he/she remains on the squad. Such students must have medical clearance.
- Vacation:
- Students who miss the opening of a sports season, practice sessions, or games because of family vacations will be excused if they submit a written request from the parents/guardians. The written notice must state that the parent/guardian left the student with no alternative but to accompany them on the trip. The parent/guardian notice must be submitted prior to the vacation period.
- Students who do not submit a written parental excuse shall be considered cutting practice or games. The appropriate disciplinary action for that sport will be implemented.
- Dismissal from a Team:
- Outside Competition:
- No student will, under any circumstances, play in an interscholastic athletic contest on any team other than the one representing the school in which he/she is enrolled while that sport is in season.
- The NJSIAA ruling on swimming will be an exception.
- Individual competition in non-scholastic events is not included in this regulation.
- Athletic Permission Slip:
- Physical Examination:
- All students wishing to participate in an interscholastic or scheduled intramural sport will be required to have a physical examination each sport season.
- The overall plan for the conduct of the physical examinations provides for one examination clinic prior to the start of each sport season.
- The coach or school nurse will make arrangements for the physical examinations well in advance of the sport season.
- It will be the responsibility of the coach or adviser to maintain good order, discipline, and absolute quiet during the clinic to enable doctors to perform cardiac examinations.
- The coach will explain the purpose of the examination, the necessity for maintaining quiet during the examination period, and that a rejection on the basis of the physical screening does not necessarily bar the student from participating in athletics. If the family physician approves a student for participation and this approval is in conflict with the school physician, a third physician will be consulted. Approval from a third physician will permit the student to participate, upon the approval of the building principal. However, if a third physician, upon a complete physical examination, rejects the student for participation, the student will not be permitted to participate. The Camden City Board will pay the cost of the third physician.
- New Jersey State Board of Education rules state that: "Good physical condition, freedom from injury, and full recovery from illness shall be prerequisites to participation in athletics, whether in practice or in competition. Each candidate for a place on a school athletic squad or team shall be given a medical examination by the medical inspector or designated team doctor no more than 60 days prior to the first practice session or in lieu thereof, the medical inspector may accept the report of such an examination by a physician licensed to practice medicine. Any examination which shall be used to determine the fitness of a pupil to participate in athletics shall not be given before the first say of the school year, as defined in N.J.S.A. 18A:36-1, for which such fitness is being determined. Each candidate must undergo one medical examination in each school year. The parent or legal guardian shall receive written notification signed by the medical inspector or team doctor testifying to the pupil's physical fitness to participate in athletics. The reasons for the medical inspector's or team doctor's approval or disapproval of the pupil's participation shall be included in such notification. The health findings of the medical examination for participation in athletics shall be made a part of the general health examination record."
- Insurance:
- All secondary school students who participate in interscholastic athletics are required to have insurance coverage. The Board will provide insurance only for those students participating in regularly scheduled varsity games, providing such students pay the medical.
- Each school office will be supplied with proper forms for distribution to the students and all applications and moneys will be handled through the school office.
- Practice:
- NJSIAA dates will be the official dates for the first practice of all interscholastic sports. The starting date for activities will be determined by the coach and athletic director.
- All teams practicing for or competing in the interscholastic program shall at all times be under the direct supervision of the coach who shall personally supervise the activities and conduct of the members of athletic squads during practices and games, including the time and place of dressing, going to and returning from fields, changing to street clothes, and departing in good order from the building. These responsibilities may not be delegated to students or other employees.
- Practice is defined as the time elapsing between the last period of the school day, and the time the students leave the school premises.
- A practice session will not exceed a total of two and one-half hours in any sport.
- Practice will not be held without an authorized person in charge and coaches, advisers or assistants will be present at all practices.
- A student who is absent from school will not be permitted to practice or play in a game on the day of his/her absence. If a student is absent on a Friday, he/she will not be permitted to practice or play in a game until Monday unless granted an exception by the high school principal or designee.
- Injury:
- In case of injury the responsibility for obtaining treatment of the injury is that of the coach (or teacher-in-charge in intramural), who shall immediately notify the principal of the details of the incident. The principal will notify the school physician and will, as soon as possible, request from the school nurse the regular student accident form. Procedures for reporting accidents will be those used whenever an accident occurs under school supervision.
- The athletic medical inspector or, in his/her absence, the principal, coach, or teacher-in-charge, may decide that an injury requires care by a clinic or hospital. If so, he/she shall accompany the student to the hospital. The parent/guardian of the injured student shall be notified immediately so that he/she may assume responsibility for making decisions relative to his/her child.
- Equipment:
- Coaches and advisers will follow the procedures for issuing equipment forms.
- All equipment issued will be recorded on the proper forms and copies sent to the athletic office.
- Uniforms and equipment issued on a game-day basis should be checked immediately after the contest is completed. In the case of an away- game when the team does not return to the school, coaches will check- in equipment at a set time the following school day.
- Coaches and advisers will caution players against leaving equipment unguarded during a contest and while showering or dressing.
- Coaches and advisers are responsible for ensuring good care of the equipment. When possible, the old equipment will be used for practice and the new will be used for games.
- Coaches and advisers will not destroy any equipment or give away items which they think are beyond further use. Coaches and advisors will tag equipment which is beyond repair.
- Students must pay full value for any equipment they lose or fail to return at the end of the season. Coaches and advisers will insist that students report lost equipment as soon as they find it missing.
- Coaches' Forms
- All forms will be returned to the athletic director's office at the conclusion of the respective season.
- All eligibility and other forms may be obtained from the athletic office.
- Scores of all games will be reported to the athletic office as soon as possible the following day.
- Game Courtesy
- Intramural:
- Eligibility:
- All regularly enrolled students who meet academic and disciplinary standards are eligible to compete in intramural activities.
- Students may participate in intramural sports only as a member of the competition unit to which they belong. No student shall represent or compete for more than one unit of competition in any one sport.
- Units of Competition:
- Units of competition may be homerooms, classes, clubs, shops, or age, weight, and height classifications. The method of arranging competitive units will be to form several large groups of students, each of which will be given a name. Each group will then be represented in several sports each season.
- Consideration will be given to the proper grouping of students. Because of the great variation in size and maturity of students, it will be necessary to organize competition in various classifications for equal competition to result.
- The results of all sports competed in by a group will count in the standings posted. The basis for computing standings is to award one point to the team winning each contest, one-half point for each tie, and no points for losses. The results at the end of each week will be added to those of the previous week until the season ends, at which time the final winners will be determined.
- Forfeit of Game:
- If a team or contestant fails to appear at the appointed place, the intramural director, based upon circumstances, may declare the contest forfeited, unless there is a very good reason for the lateness.
- A team will also forfeit any game in which it uses an ineligible player.
- Postponements:
- Use of facilities:
- Intramural activities may be conducted in the facilities after school hours and prior to the beginning of the interscholastic season, or after its completion.
- After the interscholastic season starts, facilities may be used when the interscholastic teams are playing away.
- In all cases, the use of facilities for intramural activities must not conflict with their use by interscholastic teams.
- Reports:
- Athletic Awards:
- Class A--all letter winners including coaches and managers of the varsity team.
- Class B--all other members of that team.
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Any coach who has decided that a student should be dismissed from a team for disciplinary reasons must confer with the athletic director as to the reasons for the student's dismissal. The student shall have the right of appeal to the principal or his/her designee regarding such dismissal; the student must make his/her appeal within seven days of the dismissal.
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All participants will file with the coach an athletic permit, signed by their parents or legal guardians. The form must be filled in completely and properly signed. A parental permission form must be filed for each sport in which the student participates.
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The home school is and should be responsible for all aspects of a contest on the home field or court. Visiting teams should be treated with every courtesy both off and on the field of play. Booing is the most obvious kind of poor sportsmanship. The tone of the crowd of spectators is usually set by the attitude as well as the antics, of the local school group. Over a period of time, the crowd of spectators will reflect the attitude of the student body. Spectators should be encouraged to sit in the area or section assigned to their respective schools.
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The program described in this section includes those physical education activities sponsored for students within the Camden City schools which are conducted outside the regular physical education class. Sports requiring vigorous physical effort and team organization will be given preference over those with recreational or carry-over value only where numbers are involved.
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A scheduled contest may be postponed only with the agreement of both teams and the intramural director.
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Intramural directors will file a report at the end of each sports season with the athletic director stating the intramural activities conducted, number of teams entered for each activity, and total number of students participating.
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An individual, group of individuals, or organization may not offer gifts or awards of any kind to students participating in Camden City Public Schools' interscholastic or intramural athletics unless first approved by the Superintendent.
In order for a student to receive a letter or award, the following minimum requirements must be met: (a) No student shall receive a letter or an award for any sport or activity if the student does not fulfill all the NJISIAA and Camden High School or Woodrow Wilson High School requirements for participation in that sport or activity; (b) All students must successfully complete the season to receive any letter or award except students governed by the athletic injury award policy.
Football: Participate in one-half the quarters of the season's games
Soccer: Participate in one-half the quarters of the season
Basketball: Participate in one-half the quarters of the season's games.
Wrestling: Participate in 75% of scheduled meets, or 50% of scheduled meets and earn six points.
Baseball: Participate in 75% of games with the exception of pitchers who play in 50% of scheduled games.
Softball: Participate in 75% of games with the exception of pitchers who play in 50% of scheduled games.
Track: Participate in 75% of scheduled meets and earn one point more than one- half the number of meets in which entire team participates.
Golf: Participate in 75% of scheduled matches.
Swimming: Participate in swimming competition for a team sanctioned by NJSIAA and fulfill the NJSIAA regulations governing swimming.
Cheerleading: Participate in 90% of all scheduled games, tournament games, and activities.
Tennis: Participate in 75% of the scheduled matches or earn four points.
Band Front: Participate in 90% of all scheduled games, tournament games, and activities.
Marching Band: Participate in 90% of all scheduled games, tournament games, and activities as a marching unit.
Senior Merit Award: Letter to any senior athlete who in the coach's opinion is deserving of such an award.
Injury or Extended Illness Award: Letter to any player or participant who, in the opinion of the coach or adviser, would have earned such if he/she had not been injured or absent for extended illness.
Managers: Must meet the same requirements for all athletes or participant of the respective sport in regard to practices and games. Must also fulfill all other requirements established for that sport.
Junior Varsity Freshmen: Must meet the same requirements for letters and awards as students participating in the varsity programs.
Grades 6, 7 and 8: Awards will be given on the recommendation of the coach.
Teams or individuals winning a state, district, national, or conference championship or co-championship shall receive awards emblematic of that sport, the cost of which shall be determined by the Board. Awards will be on two levels as follows:
A Varsity Letter Winner is a student who meets the requirements of the particular sport in which he/she is participating. These requirements are listed in the policy manual and student handbook. A Varsity Letter Winner must participate on the varsity level as approved by the Board of Education and the NJSIAA.
A varsity player is a person who dresses with the team on a continual basis, although he/she does not necessarily have to be a letter winner. Many players dress with the varsity team and are brought up from the Junior Varsity team to be on the bench for experience and assistance.
In the event a co-championship is won, only Class A awards will be presented.
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Reconfirmed: August 23, 1995
Revised: May 31, 1996